Μόνον εμείς σας ανοίγουμε τα μάτια με εξαιρετικά εξειδικευμένες τεχνικές γνώσεις και σας λέμε όλες τις πικρές και τις σκληρές αλήθειες




ΕΡΩΤΗΣΗ του Artur B.

Hi  Mr. Nikolaos Kavvadias,

First of all I would like to congratulate you on your excellent work in developing the ingenious powder stratification theory with excellent results from the point of view of velocities obtained.

The American company ... has also developed a wad that is based on the existence of a small chamber of ignition that contains a reduced amount of gunpowder whose function is to advance the load to increase the volume of the combustion chamber thus lowering the internal pressure and allowing speeds of 510 m/s and 950 bars with 35g of steel.

I thought of combining the two solutions by adding an ignition chamber to a ... wad with a small 7,5 mm PVC pipe aligned with the primer, inside the tube is placed the rapid gunpowder (0.15g - 0.25g), outside the most progressive.

He appealed to your experience to indicate possible combinations of ... gunpowder that can best be adapted to a solution like this within the safety limits.

Best regards,

Artur B.



Dear Artur, we thank you for your compliments and we really appreciate that other countries reloaders uses our knowledge and our technology!

We don't recommend you at all to proceed with your design, as it's very dangerous, and probably will blow out your shooting or your hunting shotgun!!!

If you want to reload powder stratification with no risks at all, then we higly recommend you to buy as soon as possible, the SPECIAL FUNNEL FOR POWDER STRATIFICATION from Italian company CORTINI & PEZZOTTI

With that special reloading accessory, you will be able to reload your special stratification powder shoots and you will be able to have that higher speeds, that you may need, for all your special purposes!!!

Finally you may read our relative article here: ΔΙΠΛΟ ΧΩΝΑΚΙ ΣΤΡΩΜΑΤΟΠΟΙΗΣΗΣ ΛΑΣΚΑΣ


. . . . . . . . . . Επιστροφή στη προηγούμενη σελίδα . . . . . . . . . .


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